Sorry , I didn't get to take a lot of pictures of Jack's first Craft show. It was me. Yep! I forgot to put in the memory card.
Luckily my husband brought something i-handy with him. Saved me once again !
Luckily my husband brought something i-handy with him. Saved me once again !
I thought it was a great success for his first Craft show ever.
He and Christina made a great team.
Although, Christina was already an experienced craft seller helper, so I guess Jack was lucky to have her by his side the whole time.
Although, Christina was already an experienced craft seller helper, so I guess Jack was lucky to have her by his side the whole time.
It was great to see them in action from the distance. They were awesome.
Funny, Jack is already thinking about the next year show. The Business man is born !
All the items should be in his shop in few days.
Hope you can come back and check them out. thanks you! see you then!
Hope you can come back and check them out. thanks you! see you then!